It’s never too late to repent to your Lord and make a fresh start
A online course on the importance of Tawbah (Repentance to Allah) taught by Shaykh Ali Hammuda and Shaykh Farid Haibatan.
Learn the true reality of sin, how to overcome its effects and return to the endless mercy of your lord, Allah ﷻ.
It’s lockdown 2.0. You’re stuck at home, left to your own devices. Feeling bored, you switch on your phone and start scrolling, scrolling… still scrolling. Until, uh-oh; you’re on a site that you shouldn’t be on.
“One minute won’t hurt,” you hear a familiar whisper in your heart. But one minute turns into two, and two turns into ten, and before you know it, you’re being sucked into a never-ending quagmire of SIN, being pulled deeper and deeper down.

It’s Hopeless Now, Right?
When you indulge in sins of any size—especially major ones—they plant seeds of disobedience in your heart. If you allow the seeds to take root, grow and mature, the result is that you turn away from repentance completely, giving up all hope for Allah’s ﷻ mercy and forgiveness.
Shaytan will do his utmost to convince you that there is no hope; that you may as well continue in your bad habits and sins. Yet, you feel the yearning in your heart to be connected to Allah ﷻ and accept His blessings into your life. You want to feel that Allah ﷻ is your greatest friend, supporter, provider and confidant.
You may also believe, deep down, that you're not worthy of His mercy and love, unforgivable. However, in the eyes of Allah ﷻ, you are still worthy of His mercy and forgiveness, no matter how many times you need to sincerely ask Him for it.
Never Doubt Allah’s ﷻ Mercy
"Say: O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves (because of sins), do not despair from the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all sins. Verily, He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Surat Az-Zumar: 39:53]
Allah ﷻ is Al Ghafoor—The Ever-Forgiving and The All-Forgiving. No matter how many times you stray from His remembrance or how severely you disobey His commandments, sincere tawbah is always a way back to Him ﷻ.
But tawbah—repentance to Allah ﷻ— can feel difficult. By definition, sincere repentance entails you give up the sins you used to take great pleasure in to taste the discipline of obedience.
Knowing the conditions of sincere repentance and how to execute it, means you can rightly earn Allah’s ﷻ mercy and have the hope and faith your repentance is genuinely accepted.

Introducing Our Course on Tawbah

We designed the Tawbah Course to help you understand the urgent importance of regular and sincere tawbah.
Regain hope for your future through tawbah by cleansing your sins, shame, and embarrassment in the eyes of Allah ﷻ.
This course clarifies that—while we all make mistakes and commit sins—sincere repentance can cleanse the stains on your heart and give you a fresh start in life!
By following the points in this course, you will feel equipped to overcome your doubts (and Shaytan’s whispers about your worthlessness), give up your bad habits, and completely repent to Allah ﷻ for your past sins.
Studying this topic will both bring you closer to Allah ﷻ and make you successful if you implement it with sincerity.
REGISTER NOWHow Will This Workshop Benefit You?
Before attending this workshop, you may:
Feel guilty and embarrassed about the sins you've committed and unsure how to get back on the right path
Think that you have too many sins and Allah ﷻ won’t ever forgive you
Feel like a failure for returning to previous sins that you gave up and wonder why Allah ﷻ should forgive you again
Think that it is too late to repent for your past sins
Feel sincere repentance is too difficult or you don’t know where to start
After attending this workshop, you may:
Learn the correct method taught by Allah ﷻ and His messenger ﷺ to repent and attain the mercy and forgiveness of Allah
Learn the reality of sin and the effects it has on our lives and the lives of those around us
Understand what is truly meant by Allah ﷻ being Al Ghafoor—The Ever-Forgiving and All-Merciful
Understand the value and importance of sincerely repenting for your sins now before it’s too late
- Feel motivated and inspired by hearing the practical scenarios of when repentance was accepted by Allah ﷻ.
I'm Ready for a Fresh Start.
Let's begin this journey.
Topics and Themes Covered in this Workshop
- The harmful effects of sins on the body, mind, heart, and soul
- The truth and reality of Tawbah
- Prophetic/Modern stories of those who repented
- How to erase sins
- Why Allah ﷻ loves tawbah so much
- Repentance scenarios
- Common questions regarding Tawbah
In essence, this program will help you understand the importance of Tawbah to have a fresh start in life as you reconnect with your Creator!
Meet Your Instructors

Shaykh Ali Hammuda
Ustādh Ali Hammuda gained his bachelors and masters’ degrees in Architecture & Planning from the University of the West of England, before achieving a BA in Shari'ah from al-Azhar University in Egypt. He is currently based in Wales and is a visiting Imām at Al-Manar Centre in Cardiff, and also a senior researcher and lecturer for the Muslim Research and Development Foundation in London. Ustādh Ali is the author of several books including 'The Daily Revivals' and 'The Ten Lanterns" and continues to deliver sermons, lectures and regular classes across the country.

Shaykh Farid Haibatan
Shaykh Farid Haibatan graduated from the Islamic University of Madinah where he studied the Arabic Language and other religious sciences. He has translated several Arabics books into the English language some of which have become household names within the Muslim community such as Fortification of the Muslim through Remembrance and Supplication (Hisn al-Muslim).

What You’ll Receive When You Register:
- Online video course professionally presented so you can watch it from any device, anywhere.
- Interactive discussions and Q&A sessions so you can pick the brains of our instructors on their specialised expertise.
- Comprehensive course notes you can refer back to any time.
- Lifetime access to the course recordings.
Our 7-Day Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee

We’re sure that you’ll love our lessons, Insha'Allah. However, in the unlikely circumstance that you don't, there is a 7-day money-back guarantee if you go through our material and don’t benefit from it.
With this 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose... but potentially a lot to gain, Insha’Allah.
If you have additional questions, please get in touch. We’ll be happy to assist you.
What Are Our Students Saying?
Alhamdulillah, comprehensive course on Tawbah that has given me a lot to think about and to know that the doors of repentance are open…
No matter how much you think you have sinned, know that it is never too late, no matter how big or small you think your sins are, Allah is waiting for you to turn to him so that he may forgive you and accept your repentance.
I have learnt that it is never too late to turn to Allah and repent and the only thing getting in the way of that is the tricks and deceptions of Shaytan.
I'm Ready To Clean My Slate
Let's begin this journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have some questions about the course? See the answers to some of the most common questions below.