How to Focus in Salah
Salah (Prayer) is the source of many virtues. How many of them do you reap?
Online Course | On-Demand
An intensive course designed to help Muslims truly unlock the many beautiful virtues of Salah and ultimately develop a deeper connection with their lord, Allah ﷻ.
ENROL NOWHow will you respond to the first question on the Day of Resurrection?
“The first action for which a servant of Allah will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection will be his Salah.
“...If they are in order, he will have prospered and succeeded. If they are lacking, he will have failed and lost.”
We glance at the clock to see how many minutes we have left to pray, unroll our prayer mats, raise our hands in takbeer and then breath… only to remember the next meal, the next task on the list and where that missing pen might be. What raka’ah are we on again?
The truth is, we already know that we should focus on salah, that we should ponder over the words we recite, that we should understand its magnitude - afterall, it is ALLAH, the Most High, who we are standing in front of. So, why do we still fail to attain Khushoo (focus) when we pray?

Salah: Your Gateway to Success
Allah ﷻ says, “Successful indeed are the believers; those who pray with Khushoo.” [23:1-2]
We learn here and in many other places how Salah leads to success. In the Quran, in Ahadith, in the Adhan, in oft-repeated Dua and in real-life cases of living Muslims (we all know that millionaire uncle who swears his success was due to Salah); it’s a well-known fact amongst Muslims.
But, if just knowing about all these facts is still not giving you the peace, blessings and success that Allah ﷻ has promised, then I invite you to think deeper...
When was the last time you actually got excited about Salah?
“The key to paradise is Salah. And the key to Salah is wudu.” [Ahmad]
This is how the Prophet ﷺ felt about praying Salah. The feeling of peace, tranquillity and relief was so immense that he looked forward to it the whole day and when he stood up for it, he prayed it joyously. Don’t you want the same feeling?
How to Focus on Salah is a course designed to help Muslims develop a deeper connection to Allah ﷻ by means of perfecting their Salah. From the moment we perform ablution to the point of moving away from our place of prayer, every step needs to be performed correctly and with complete understanding - and this course will teach you how, insha’Allah.
Who is this Course for?
This course is for you if you’re looking to…

Bring more peace, blessings and success in your life
This is not just a translation course. You will understand the meaning behind every word and its importance to us. We do this by extracting lessons from what we recite, and then learn how to implement them on a daily basis. Insha’Allah, doing this can ultimately bring us true success in all areas of our lives - whether that’s in our work, family or personal affairs or when we stand before Allah ﷻ.

Improve your character and become a better person
The prayer is a constant reminder for us to take accountability of our actions. Take Surah al-Faatiha. The few words simply - yet powerfully - articulate the humble request to stay firm on the straight path and protection from Allah’s anger and misguidance. When we begin to truly understand and implement this, we transform ourselves into better human beings and representatives of Islam.

Develop a deeper connection with your lord, Allah ﷻ
When you understand what your Lord is actually saying to you, you begin to realise His deep love, mercy and concern for you. During Salah, Allah ﷻ reminds us of the beautiful rewards prepared for us and warns us of the dangers so that we don’t slip. By frequently performing Salah, reciting Allah’s words, we begin to understand His magnificence which in turn leads us to love Him even more.
Get motivated to go even further in your learning
Whether you know Arabic or not, this course will help you to discover the importance of understanding what you recite in Salah. In this course, you will learn that Salah is not just a set of rituals and motions of the body. It is so much more than that. When you go through the video training and do the practicals, you’ll see the immense benefits that this has on your life which will be a means of motivation to learn more.

What You'll Receive When You Register:
In-depth Lectures professionally presented so that you can watch it from any device, anywhere.
Course Notes that supplement what our instructors teach to help you understand and revise.
Extended Support taking the guess work out of your questions by giving you opportunities to connect with our instructors.
Lifetime Access, how does that sound? so you have unlimited access to this course to study at a pace which you can manage.
Meet Your Instructor

Shaykh Asim Khan
Shaykh Asim Khan is the Imam of Redbridge Islamic Centre (London), author of the best-selling “The Heart of the Qur’an”, a commentary on Surah Yasin, and regular writer for Islam21c.
He has, from an early age, excelled in academic studies and has gained a Masters in Pharmacy from the University College London, UK, as well as studying Arabic and Quranic Sciences in Cairo, Egypt. He appears regularly on Islamic TV channels but his true passion lies in Tafsir studies where you can find numerous online lectures of his on Qur’ān related topics.
What Are Our Students Saying?
“After attending this course, I have a different attitude towards my salah; a more positive and engaged approach insha’Allah”
“As a speaker of the Arabic language I always felt I knew the meanings of the word we mention in Salah but after attending this course it opened up my understanding even further to the richness of the words we say and allowed me to appreciate it even more”
“I feel I should have attended this course ages ago as my salah had become very mundane and dry, but now I have something to work on to make my salah better insha’Allah”
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We’re sure that you will love our lessons Insha'Allah but in the unlikely circumstance that you don't, there is a 7 day money-back guarantee if you have gone through our material and haven’t benefited from it.
If you have any other questions then don't hesitate to get in touch. We’ll be happy to assist you as much as possible.